Tuesday 12 April 2016

Meso School 2016 in Cargese

Dear colleague:

The Meso School 2016 <http://meso2016.sciencesconf.org/> on Topological Matter, Interactions and Light Matter-Coupling will take place from Monday, October 31, 2016 to Saturday, November 12, 2016 at the Cargèse Scientific Studies Institute (IESC, Corsica, France). 

The main objective of this Cargèse 2016 school, organized by the GDR 2426 of quantum mesoscopic physics in continuation of the schools Aussois 2005, Cargèse 2008, and Cargèse 2012, is to introduce state of the art methods and techniques of mesoscopic physics at the graduate level (PhD students and post-doctoral, or even master students are thus welcome).

The focus is both on the acquisition of basic knowledge in mesoscopic physics (Landauer-Büttiker formalism, Coulomb blockade in quantum dots, quantum Hall effect and its edge channels, etc.) and on the discovery of current and emerging subjects (two-dimensional materials, topological insulators, Majorana fermions, low-noise measurements, many-body localization, etc.) at the edge of research.

Lecturers: Fabien Alet (Toulouse), Olivier Arcizet (Grenoble), Christophe Brun (Paris), Jérôme Cayssol (Bordeaux), Claude Chapelier (Grenoble), Tristan Cren (Paris), Dominique Delande (Paris),Serge Florens (Grenoble), Mark Goerbig (Orsay), Benjamin Huard (Paris), Vincent Jacques (Montpellier), Vincent Josse (Palaiseau), Hugues Pothier (Saclay), François Parmentier (Saclay), Frédéric Piéchon (Orsay), Benjamin Sacépé (Grenoble), Janine Splettstösser (Göteborg) and Xavier Waintal (Grenoble).

Registration fees for the school amount to 800 euros. Registration fees include accommodation, some meals (lunches mostly), and the shuttles between the airport and the IESC. But they do not include the trip to Corsica and the majority of diners. The deadline for pre-registration is 30 June 2016. The registration procedure is detailed here.

All participants in the school may bring a poster to present their research.

Kind regards

The organizers
(GDR 2426 of mesoscopic quantum physics directed by B. Plaçais and M. Goerbig.
And J.N. Fuchs, M.F. Mariotto, J. Meyer, and F. Portier)

Tuesday 19 May 2015

ICTP Trieste, Italy, on 7-25 September 2015.

Dear colleagues,

A three-week school in computational condensed matter physics will be held at ICTP Trieste, Italy, on 7-25 September 2015.

Deadline for applications is *14 June 2015*. We would be grateful if you
could circulate this message to scientists potentially interested in
attending the school, which is aimed at graduate students and junior
researchers. The online application can be found at the activity website, http://indico.ictp.it/event/a14246/ .

The school will cover modern numerical methods used by various
communities to study cooperative phenomena in condensed matter and
statistical physics. The School will cover the basics of modern
programming and will reach as far as advanced topics involving the
dynamics of complex classical and quantum systems, and the effects due to disorder and strong electron correlations. Strong emphasis will be put on the integration between sophisticated many-body techniques that have been developed in various branches of condensed matter physics, including solid-state physics, quantum gases and in the physical
chemistry of biological systems. The speakers include (*tbc)

Ali ALAVI  (MPI-FKF Stuttgart)
Bela BAUER (Station Q Santa Barbara)
Michele CERIOTTI (EPF Lausanne)
Paolo GIANNOZZI  (Univ. of Udine)
Hardy GROSS* (MPI Halle)
Werner KRAUTH  (ENS Paris)
Georg KRESSE (Univ. of Vienna)
Andreas LÄUCHLI (Univ. of Innsbruck)
Chris LAUMANN (Univ. of Washington)
Frank POLLMANN (MPI-PKS Dresden)
Anders W. SANDVIK (Boston Univ.)
Matthias TROYER  (ETH Zurich)
Mark TUCKERMAN* (New York Univ.)
Philipp WERNER  (Univ. of Fribourg)
Steve WHITE (UC Irvine)
Alex ZUNGER* (Univ. of Colorado)

covering the following topics

Molecular Dynamics; Density Functional Theory; Dynamical Mean-field
Theory; Classical and Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations; Exact
Diagonalization; Density Matrix Renormalization Group; Integrated
Programming and Quantum Computing.

With best regards,

The organisers

Friday 9 January 2015

School in Grenoble, France

European School On Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies, Grenoble, France.

Dear colleagues,

we are pleased to announce the next session of the European School On Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies (ESONN'15), which will be held from August 23rd to September 12th, 2015, in Grenoble.

We would be very grateful if you could spread the attached flyer to your colleagues or students potentially interested by this event.

Best regards,

Hervé Courtois and Didier Delabouglise,
ESONN directors.

web : http://www.esonn.fr
email : contact@esonn.fr

P.S.: if you receive this e-mail several times, please accept our apologizes for the inconvenience.

Friday 25 April 2014

Kevin Esajas

will defend his graduation work today 25-4-2014 at 14:00 in zaal G.

Monday 24 March 2014

San Sebastian Doctoral Training session 2014

Dear colleague,

An international doctoral training session entitled "Frontiers of Condensed Matter", will be held  at the Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) in San Sebstian (Spain), August 25-September 4, 2014.
The session is organized jointly by DIPC , the Casimir Research School Delft-Leiden, and the Grenoble Physics Doctoral School.

This year's session will consist of a series of pedagogical lectures on the following topics:

Quantum  transport - Nanomechanics - Quantum information processing - Topological Phases - Effects of strong correlations.

The lectures will be complemented by more specialized research seminars.

For more information, see the school's website

Please forward this information to potentially interested members of your group.

Best regards,

Frank Hekking

Monday 3 February 2014

Talk today at 14:00 !

Speaker: Hedyeh Keshtgar
Title: "Acoustic parametric pumping of spin waves"

Everybody's welcome!