Wednesday 29 August 2012

Joost de Gussem

Most of the people within TP know or remember Joost de Gussem, who did his bachelor project in our group.

Joost completed his master project last Tuesday (28 August) under the guidance of Erin McGarrity. The title
of the thesis was no less than "A study of liquid-vapor systems of weak multipoles using classical DFT". The
title may be seen as a premonition of the lengthy complicated mathematical analysis which in the end leads
to very good agreement with molecular dynamics simulations on polar fluids. The main message in a nut-shell
was that taking the local structure of the fluid into account via the correlation function is essential for a reliable
description of the fluid-gas interface.

After the exam, Joost was awaited by an exclusively female fan club, who was pleased to hear that he had done very well, with a good mark as a final result.

Jos Thijssen

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Adriaan Vuik's project

Yesterday Adriaan Vuik presented his bachelor thesis work on quantum key distribution with time-energy entangled photons. In a clear talk he explained that quantum mechanics can help to realize secure key distribution and how time-energy entangled photons can be at the basis of this. After thorough questioning, Adriaan has now finished the very last part of his bachelor programme and will start with his master, also in Delft, next week. Congratulations and good luck!

Monday 27 August 2012

Akashdeep Kamra

has given a talk at our group meeting today. It was about interaction of magnons and phonons in the context of spin transfer. The results oultined are as follows:
1. Linear Magneto-Elastic Coupling (MEC) leads to an avoided level crossing in the  (quasi) magnon and (quasi) phonon branches of the dispersion relation at which a new quasi particle - magneto polaron is formed.
2. We observe that linear MEC forms the basis of already known effects such as acoustic ferromagnetic resonance and predicts some novel effects such as acoustically assisted magnetic switching.
3. Non-linear MEC is responsible for energy exchange and equilibration between phonons and magnons thereby forming the basis of effects such as the spin Seebeck effect.

Friday 24 August 2012

Bachelor eindproject Ferdinand

With some delay, about bachelor defence of Ferdinand. He impressed us with his presentation that had some elaborated structure and provoked deep and provocative questions: given the fact that it was perhaps the first presentation of a kind in his life. During the closed part of the defence, he answered quickly and correctly on my classic question about the rainbow, a question no master student could answer without substantial hints. With this, and his persistence and enthusiasm during the project time no wonder he got a pretty good mark.

Good luck, Ferdinand, with your master studies!   

Thursday 16 August 2012

Ferdinand Grapperhaus

will present the results of his bachelor eindproject coming Monday, Aug 20, 11:00, in Gerrit's office. It will be about nanomechanics.

Wednesday 15 August 2012

PhD for you?

Dear Colleagues

Please bring this PhD position to the attention of any potentially interested candidates.

Thank you.

Brian M. Andersen

Monday 6 August 2012

Graduation Sasja

This afternoon Sasja defended her Bachelor thesis after a five months stay in our group. She performed calculations on the shot noise in a normal metal-insulator-superconductor junction in graphene and gave a very clear presentation on this, which provoked quite some questions from some of our PhD students. After discussing her results further with the committee she has now completed her Bachelor research project in Delft and will shortly move on to do a physics Master programme in Belgium. Congratulations, Sasja!

Friday 3 August 2012

Fwd: Bachelor talk Sasja Schelling

Dear all,
This Monday, 6 August, at 15:00 h in Room G
Sasja Schelling will give a talk on the research of her
Bachelor project which she performed in our group.
The title of the talk is “The Fano factor of a NIS junction
in graphene”.
Everybody is welcome to come and listen.
Best regards,