Tuesday 19 May 2015

ICTP Trieste, Italy, on 7-25 September 2015.

Dear colleagues,

A three-week school in computational condensed matter physics will be held at ICTP Trieste, Italy, on 7-25 September 2015.

Deadline for applications is *14 June 2015*. We would be grateful if you
could circulate this message to scientists potentially interested in
attending the school, which is aimed at graduate students and junior
researchers. The online application can be found at the activity website, http://indico.ictp.it/event/a14246/ .

The school will cover modern numerical methods used by various
communities to study cooperative phenomena in condensed matter and
statistical physics. The School will cover the basics of modern
programming and will reach as far as advanced topics involving the
dynamics of complex classical and quantum systems, and the effects due to disorder and strong electron correlations. Strong emphasis will be put on the integration between sophisticated many-body techniques that have been developed in various branches of condensed matter physics, including solid-state physics, quantum gases and in the physical
chemistry of biological systems. The speakers include (*tbc)

Ali ALAVI  (MPI-FKF Stuttgart)
Bela BAUER (Station Q Santa Barbara)
Michele CERIOTTI (EPF Lausanne)
Paolo GIANNOZZI  (Univ. of Udine)
Hardy GROSS* (MPI Halle)
Werner KRAUTH  (ENS Paris)
Georg KRESSE (Univ. of Vienna)
Andreas LÄUCHLI (Univ. of Innsbruck)
Chris LAUMANN (Univ. of Washington)
Frank POLLMANN (MPI-PKS Dresden)
Anders W. SANDVIK (Boston Univ.)
Matthias TROYER  (ETH Zurich)
Mark TUCKERMAN* (New York Univ.)
Philipp WERNER  (Univ. of Fribourg)
Steve WHITE (UC Irvine)
Alex ZUNGER* (Univ. of Colorado)

covering the following topics

Molecular Dynamics; Density Functional Theory; Dynamical Mean-field
Theory; Classical and Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations; Exact
Diagonalization; Density Matrix Renormalization Group; Integrated
Programming and Quantum Computing.

With best regards,

The organisers